Remote Keyless Entry Transmitter Warranty Replacement Update

When replacing the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter (key fob) (Fig. 1) under warranty on 2017-2023 GM vehicles equipped with Remote Keyless Entry/Passive Entry (RPO ATH) and Keyless Open/Start (RPO AVJ), the warranty claim must include a photo of the Signal Detection screen from the EL-52545 TPMS and RF Tool.

The Signal Detection screen, which displays the VIN and other information embedded in the key fob, confirms that the VIN of the key fob is the same as the service vehicle listed on the job card (repair order).


Fig. 1


Requirements for Warranty Claim

GM authorization continues to be required for warranty transactions involving RKE transmitter replacement. The warranty claim must be routed to the Warranty Support Center and must include the photo of the Signal Detection screen from the EL-52545 TPMS and RF Tool. (Fig. 2)


Fig. 2


Consult with your warranty administrator on the best way to provide a photo of the screen to include with the warranty claim submission. It is not required to print the photo and attach it to the physical job card and/or store in the dealership’s vehicle history folder. The photo only needs to be submitted as an electronic attachment to the warranty transaction. Once part of the submitted transaction in Global Warranty Management (GWM), the jpg photo can be deleted from the dealership’s computer or employee’s device.

TIP: The warranty claim for key fob replacement may be rejected if a photo of the Signal Detection screen confirming that the VIN of the key fob matches the VIN of the vehicle is not provided or if the VINs do not match.

Refer to Bulletin #21-NA-068 for more details on the warranty requirements for key fob replacement.

Key Fob Inspection When Receiving New Vehicles

For new vehicles, keys and key fobs must be inspected as part of the vehicle receiving walk-around process. Key fob emblems also must be inspected to ensure they match the vehicle (e.g., Chevrolet emblem on the key fob for a Chevrolet vehicle). Missing or incorrect parts must be documented on the delivery receipt and handled accordingly.

In addition, the initial Pre-Delivery Inspection process involves checking all functions of both sets of keys/fobs, including lock/unlock and start.

Replacement of missing or incorrect keys/fobs after delivery and/or when the dealership did not follow the proper processes are not warrantable.

Using the EL-52545 Tool for Key Fob Diagnosis

A crucial step in the diagnostic procedure for an inoperative key fob is to verify that the VIN learned to the key fob matches the VIN of the vehicle. Use the EL-52545 TPMS and RF Tool to verify that the VIN matches so that the key fob is not misdiagnosed because it’s the wrong key fob for the vehicle. A key fob with a VIN that is different from the service vehicle cannot be relearned to the service vehicle and is not considered a warranty claim.

To use the EL-52545 Tool to read the VIN from the key fob, select Signal Detect from the main menu on the tool (Fig. 3) and then select Fob/Key I.D.


Fig. 3


Next, place the key fob on the small pocket on the back of the tool and press OK. (Fig. 4)


Fig. 4


The Signal Detection screen will display the last eight digits of the VIN along with other key fob data, including the number of key fobs currently learned to the vehicle. (Fig. 5)


Fig. 5


Be sure to have the latest tool software downloaded. EL-52545 tool software updates are available quarterly to ensure the latest information is being used, including new model support. As with other tools, the software updates are available through the website using the link in GlobalConnect.

For additional information, refer to Bulletin #21-NA-061.

– Thanks to Chafeek Nehme and Mike Waszczenko

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  1. Thank you for your feedback. This suggestion has been investigated previously, but it was determined not feasible at this time since only vehicles with RPO ATH and AVJ have this requirement yet other vehicles also use the same labor code.

  2. Robert Hoover says:

    Why not simply make remotes part of the PRA process in which the pictures could be submitted and approved easily.

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